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Where Nature and Culture Meet: People, food and biodiversity

Cover Rückseite der Ausstellungsbroschüre The photo exhibition "Where Nature and Culture Meet" uses large-scale pictures to raise awareness of the importance of conserving biological and cultural diversity and provide information about the work of German development cooperation in this field. It has already been used by a variety of organisations with great success: it has been displayed at the headquarters of the UN in New York, at the German Federal Press Office (Bundespresseamt) in Berlin, as a touring exhibition in Africa and in the foyer of Mainz railway station. The exhibition is designed to appeal to a broad public and is available on loan from GIZ.

Titelblatt der Broschüre Where nature and culture meet:
People, food and biodiversity

Brochure to accompany the photo exhibition
PDF 52 pages (12 MB) German/English

Titelblatt der Broschüre People, Forests, Development:
Protecting tropical rainforests in Africa

Brochure to accompany the photo exhibition
PDF 64 Seiten (37 MB) German/English/French

Titelblatt der Broschüre Photo exhibition
Information brochure including contact details and arrangements for loan
PDF 24 pages (2 MB) German English

Vorschau der Startseite des Spieles Memory game to accompany Where Nature and Culture Meet
A memory game for people of all ages. The game uses animals and plants from China, most of which are important for our nutrition.