Co-management of natural resources
If biological diversity and human livelihoods are to be secured in the long term, the population must be involved in the management of natural resources. This book, which draws mainly on the experiences of GIZ and IUCN in Central Africa, contains guidelines for the management of natural resources by different stakeholders and includes detailed descriptions of strategies, methods and instruments. The focus is on practicality and advice. Definitions, examples and checklists complement the main text.
The book can be obtained from Kasparek Verlag in English, Spanish or French
or download here as PDF:
Borrini-Feyerabend, G.; Farvar, M. T.; Nguinguiri, J. C. & Ndangang, V. A.: Co-management of Natural Resources: Organising, Negotiating and Learning-by-Doing. GTZ and IUCN, Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg (Germany), 2000.
ISBN 3-925064-30-3
PDF 107 pages (1 MB) English
Borrini-Feyerabend, G.; Farvar, M. T.; Nguinguiri, J. C. & Ndangang, V. A.: La Gestion Participative des Ressources Naturelles: Organisation, Négociation et Apprentissage par l’Action. GTZ and IUCN, Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg (Germany), 2000.
ISBN 3-925064-31-1
PDF 108 pages (1 MB) French
Borrini-Feyerabend, G.; Farvar, M. T.; Nguinguiri, J. C. & Ndangang, V. A.: Manejo Conjunto de los Recursos Naturales: Organizarse, Negociar y Aprender en la Acción. GTZ and IUCN, Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg (Germany), 2000.
ISBN 3-925064-33-8
PDF 113 pages (2 MB) Spanish